"Creativity is just connecting things..."
- Steve Jobs

How we can help?

Streamline Processes and Increase efficiency of EPM and ERP systems.

Do not waste time on unuseful reporting. Numerous reports and millions of data lines does not mean increase of productivity.We focus on a lean method approach to increase the efficiency of reporting, save time and increase productivity to minimise the costs of SG&A

Business Planning and Forecasting

If you are looking to write a business plan, open another operational legal unit or if you simply need forecasting or budgeting its one of our key competencies. We can write a business plans for start ups, make a strategic planning for existing businesses.

Automate Reports and Visualize Data

Living and working in fast peaced environment pushes us in a daily life to think about automating some of the tasks and/or visualize reporting to promptly pick up key KPI. We can deliver solutions up to your needs

Artur Sztemberg

Experienced Finance Consultant
Passioned about Finance, Technology ERP and EPM systems
Certified Accountant

My name is Artur and here is a bit of information about myself:


My journey started in 2010  where back in these days I was focusing more on accounting and finance. After gradually obtaining experience and pursuing with interests more towards IT I found out that I enjoy connecting Finance and IT world.

This allowed me to work as a Finance proffesional with extended responsibilities to Business  and System Analytics where the main focus was on transitions, automating and streamlining processes, gathering different documentations and information for different needs.

The future is bright and I believe that connecting Finance with IT is mandatory for minimising costs, allowign to focus on delivering more qualitative numebr of services and minimise increasing flow of quantitative weak quality data.


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